正 文:
近期,google pr已经超过3个多月没有更新了。很多人都在关注google pagerank到底什么时候才更新。但很不幸地告诉大家,
当然,不是说pr完全地被取消,而是仅仅作为google内部排名因素之一,不再对外界显示,包括google的网站管理员工具、google工具栏、google全球服务器等,一句话,你以后再也看不到google pr值了。
当然,这是飘易的猜测,但并非空穴来风,首先,pr很长时间没有更新了,超出正常的更新频率;其次,网站管理员中心里已经取消了pr相关信息;第三,google 工具栏应该是接下来要取消显示的地方了。
Susan Moskwa (Google Employee) 在答复“PageRank Distribution Removed From WMT”问题的时候的
We've been telling people for a long time that they shouldn't focus on PageRank so much; many site owners seem to think it's the most important metric for them to track, which is simply not true. We removed it because we felt it was silly to tell people not to think about it, but then to show them the data, implying that they should look at it.
大意是说:“google已经告诉人们不要过度关心 pr 好长时间了,许多网站主认为 pr 是最重要的排名因素,但显然这是错误的。 google一边告诉人们不要关注 pr,一边又把 pr显示给大家看,暗示大家应该关注pr,这是愚蠢的做法,所以google把 pr 从网站管理员工具 里删除了。”
I can see alot of upsides and downsides to this, firstly it’s NOT going to stop the link trade industry but it’s certainly going to hurt the broker businesses like TLA and website owners that sell on pagerank value only, it’s certainly going to cause a few issues for link buyers if they don’t have their own scoring metric and rely on PR as the only metric of link worth!
It will stop clients asking me when will PR get updated, why is this site a PR7 and were only PR6, I would love to say I won’t miss Pagerank but I’m certainly not going to lose any sleep over it are YOU?
Here is how the PR stats looked like in Webmaster Tools:
Shouldn't Google drop it from both places, the Toolbar and Webmaster Tools? Having it public anywhere, defeats the purpose in my opinion.
看样子,google pr真的有可能要被取消了,包括google工具栏和网站管理员工具。这样,靠买卖链接提升pr的行为会大受打击,但飘易认为这是好事,seo应该关注的是网站质量,而不是为了pr而pr。